Google Authenticator is a mobile security application based on two-factor authentication.
it helps you to secure your access to our CMS system. By using this two-factor authentication it prevents intruders to access your information with hitnews.com
How does it work?
When you have set up an account with us, you login on our website and enable the Google Authenticator. It will ask you to scan the QR-code within the application on your phone. Once’s you have set it up, the next time when you want to login to our system, it will ask your username/password and the code of the Google Authenticator. You can disable this application also within your account. Just login disable the Google Authenticator and your set.
Do I need to use this in my newsreader?
No, it is only to access our system with hitnews.com and has no effect in your newsreader.
Why do I need this?
It is only to give an extra layer of security to access our personal account with hitnews.com
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