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Je gebruikt een verouderde webbrowser. Het kan mogelijk deze of andere websites niet correct weergeven. Het is raadzaam om je webbrowser te upgraden of een browser zoals Microsoft Edge of Google Chrome te gebruiken.
Oh, Avast...
Disable HTTPS Scanning:
Or look in Avast for an option to exclude SABnzbd and from scanning.
I see also now a 'issue' report on SABnzb's Github page:
Search for the following names in the certificate list as well, and check if they are still valid. If not, remove them too:
USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
AAA Certificate Services
Please try the following steps on your Windows machine to resolve the issue:
Open the Run dialog box by pressing Win + R and type mmc.exe. Press Enter.
In the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), go to File > Add/Remove Snap-In.... (CTRL + M)
Select Certificates from the list and click Add...
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